Zambia CropBefore becoming a believer, Shadreck was into drugs and alcohol. The husband and father of four would terrorize people in his village in Zambia. “My life was meaningless,” he says.

Thankfully, his bad behavior did not go unnoticed by his uncle who was a Christian. His uncle preached to Shadreck, urging him to turn from his wicked ways. “I thank God for my uncle who preached to me,” he says. “I became born again and joined a local church.”

Shadreck committed his life to serving God and the Church, but he wasn’t exactly sure where he fit until the dreams came. “I started having dreams that I was preaching to many people and reaching out to people in the field,” he says.

He joined Bible League’s Church Planter Training to learn just how to do just that. The training helped him see the path to which God was leading him. “The Church Planter Training made me realize that my calling was to serve God,” he says. “Despite being a church leader already and having numerous dreams that I was preaching to many people, I still didn’t attain my full potential in the things of God. I can say the training program has changed my life.”

After completing the training, Shadreck set out to fulfill his calling—to share God’s Word. But that was easier said than done. He was met with resistance from locals who still followed traditional spiritual practices. But he didn’t stop trying.

“As we were going around the village evangelizing, the people were running away from us,” he remembers. “This was a big challenge, but we soldiered on. We decided to have a crusade and many people came and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. So far, the response is positive.”

He is now hosting Bible League’s Project Philip Bible studies to connect community members and church leaders to study Scripture together and build relationships. “We also had small Bible study groups because we realized that was also another way to reach out to many people in the community,” he says. “The Bible League programs have transformed the lives of people here and many people are still coming. We are planning to introduce more Bible study groups in areas that we have not reached so that we can preach to many people and give glory to the Almighty God.”

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Shadreck’s church in Zambia.