Children’s Ministry in Tanzania

Your generosity is changing lives in Tanzania. See how your support is bringing God’s Word to children in need.

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Roughly 25 million Tanzanians live in extreme poverty on less than 1.90 US Dollars a day. Especially in the rural areas, children grow up with very little perspective in life.

And yet, God’s Church is growing here!

These kids say “Asante sana!”

Thank you for your generous support!

When you partner with the Holy Spirit, your gifts provide Bibles and resources to boys and girls who would not have them otherwise.

The doors are wide open to reach Tanzania’s young generation, and their families! From Audio Bibles to study materials to leadership training, you reach the hands—and hearts—of these communities.

Your gift now will help reach more of these young ones, and their families, for Jesus Christ. Donate Now!