12-Year-Old Ghanaian Girl’s Transformation Through Bible Study

Nana is a 12-year-old student from Koforidua, Ghana. She attends the Church of Pentecost Odorkor Central.

Ministry Impact May Nana May Bli 2024

Before accepting Christ,

  • She was a thief.
  • She would skip school and tell lies.
  • She often took her friends to eat out during school hours.

“Sometimes we got to school late and would be punished,” she says. “Other times, we would not go at all.”

But she encountered a powerful Scripture during a small group Bible study.

Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember your creator in the days of your youth,” she says. “This verse meant much to me and anchored my turning point from my lousy character.”

During one of the Bible studies, Nana had a revelation.

I knew I was not living as a child of God,” she says. “At that moment, she decided to stop skipping school and telling lies.”

Nana surrendered fully to the Lord and He has changed her character.

At first, she needed a bit of help understanding, but with her teacher’s help and the Bible study materials, she’s been able to grasp the lessons.

Now, she’s ready to serve the Lord.

 “I sense God is calling me to preach His Word to others who don’t know Him,”

she says. “I plan to reach out to my friends who do not know Christ yet. Pray that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to be able to do this.”


She says, “I thank the Bible League, and may the Lord bless them.

The Bible and the portion will help me, and my family learn God’s Word.”