Man finds peace

through studying God’s Word

Meet Richard, a student from Ghana, who followed the world’s desires before salvation. All that changed when he found Christ; he no longer does terrible things, for Christ lives in him. He didn’t understand the value of Christ in the salvation of his soul. All that changed when he joined Bible studies.

Richard Hayford With His Bible

“I learned new things in lesson one from the Reaching Towards the Goal booklet. I have been renewed,” he says. He now understands that Jesus is the propitiation for his sin. “I have no work in this salvation story,” he says, reflecting on the grace of Christ to save sinners like himself.

When Richard came to Christ, he faced insults from people.

They said all kinds of nasty things about him because he had set himself apart for the things of God. He senses God is calling him to be a preacher of His Word. He will pray for guidance and coaching.

Richard thanks Bible League and all the donors. He says, “Bible studies have transformed my life, and this gift of God’s Word will help me during my regular quiet time. I have peace and can testify that I am progressing.” He requests prayer to fulfill God’s purpose in his life.

He plans to reach out to lost souls, including his friends and neighbors.

Pray for Richard that the Lord will empower him to reach his community.