Mary Jane is a 22-year-old young lady who lives in a remote, hilly village in the Philippines. She is commonly known as MJ in her community. Pastor Gloria, local pastor of the community, adopted MJ when her mother left her family to live with another man. They live with other ministry workers on the church grounds; and every week, they study the Bible together using Bible League Bible study materials.
MJ was reserved, intimidated, and had no self-confidence because of her disability—she was born without hands. She uses her left foot to do all her chores and daily activities, from browsing her mobile phone and flipping a page in the Bible to eating her meals. While it would take exceptional skill to adapt to such a circumstance, MJ makes it look easy because she has been doing it since birth.
Despite her situation, God’s Word is MJ’s number one support—she clings to God’s promise in Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” She believes that God has a plan for her and will lead her in a perfect course for her life.
MJ loves reading the Bible every morning and evening, and she uses her left foot as her only means to carry out everyday activities. Her physical challenge is not the only burden she carries. Consistently, MJ prays for her mother to return so that her family will be complete again.
Pastor Gloria fully supports MJ, helps her grow spiritually, and encourages self-confidence through regular Bible study. It doesn’t look easy in MJ’s condition; but with God, all things are possible, just like the Bible says in Matthew 19:26.
A few weeks after being interviewed, Mary Jane said that Jesus gave her more confidence. Now, she dreams of becoming a pilot. Though MJ is still growing in her relationship with Jesus, her faith, hope, and trust in God are immeasurable.
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. – Jeremiah 17:7 NIV