Evangelist TsegayeTsegaye is a 49-year-old church minister in Southeastern Ethiopia. He struggled with a gambling addiction that led to stealing to support his habit. “My parents were devoted church members, but I was not a believer or church participant,” he says.”I was in deep darkness and couldn’t live peacefully with my family. I became seriously sick and forced to stay in my parent’s home.”

Tsegaye’s brother prayed for his healing and Tsegaye saw the power of Jesus’ name. He accepted Christ as his Savior and his life was transformed. He’s now studying Scripture and loves  Ephesians 2:4-5, “But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ.”

God’s grace settled Tsegaye and restored his relationship with his family. He says, “I stopped gambling, started living a good life, and committed to continuing my education.” He was motivated to serve God and His people because of the love he received through Jesus. When the church leaders saw his calling, they urged him to join a full-time ministry.

Bible study materials and Bibles are lacking in the church and community, especially for most youth needing discipleship for spiritual development. They use small group Bible studies in his church and home. The study material is bringing a notable change in people’s lives.

“One impact of the Bible study is laborers in different factories are sharing the Gospel with their co-workers and inviting new people to our church to receive Jesus,” he says. Tsegaye is sharing the Gospel and praying for salvation for two people nearby his church. He desires to equip believers with God’s Word and requests you pray for his ministry’s fruitfulness and family’s wellbeing.

Bible League prepares a God-fearing generation to be guarded against false teachings. His church cannot find biblical training applicable in a local church context. “These Bible League study booklets are contextual, understandable, and biblically sound. They awaken and prepare our leaders for evangelistic and discipleship work in the church and community,” he adds.

Tsegaye plans to record local Gospel songs with his family as a witness to Christ. He thanks Bible League donors for their excellent work. “I bless them heartily for impacting believers’ lives and urge them to continue the good work!”