Meet Debbie Tryban!

Holy Spirit Filled Church Group Photo

Debbie (front row, left) at Holy Spirit-Filled Church worship service

Debbie is a Donor Relations Associate with Bible League, building relationships with faithful supporters of the ministry.

She has also been building relationships at her church fellowship in Kankakee

My husband Jeff and I got married in May 2024, and we began attending the same church together—even before our wedding day! I recently became involved in the women’s ministry there. It’s a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing what God is doing in our lives. The minister does an excellent job of tying our circumstances to the shared Scripture verses. Spending time with these ladies is drawing me closer to the Lord.

Our church is relatively small, and a few children have recently started coming to services with their parents. My pastor asked me if I would consider starting Sunday School time with the children during part of each service. My answer was, “Yes!” I am already excited to see how God will move through the children’s ministry.

She has confidence in God’s power to move, because she’s seen His power before

I traveled to the Philippines with Bible League in February of 2024. We visited many ministry sites while we were there, and each one was very impactful! The one that is more precious to me is the Holy Spirit-Filled Church. Pastora Flora is the leader of this amazing church made up of people of all ages. The worship team, led by a 13-year-old girl, was filled to overflowing with excitement as they praised the Lord. Due to God’s power, the support of Bible League, and Pastora Flora’s passion for the Gospel, the Holy Spirit-Filled Church is growing rapidly.

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Two women worshipping at Holy Spirit-Filled Church

Debbie has a deep faith in the Lord because of His faithfulness in her life

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 ESV

When my first husband passed away in 2008, I was faced with many life-changing decisions for myself and my children. Any time I began to worry, the Lord reminded me of this verse.

As I slowed down, became still, and listened to God’s voice, He always clearly showed me the answers to my questions. God has never failed us!