Malaysia CropTerra, a 50-year-old mother, is the first to become a Christian in her family. She now serves as a secretary in their local church in a remote area of Bintulu, Malaysia. She is serving the Lord in evangelistic Bible studies in communities commonly called longhouses. Longhouses are dwelling places for most families in the area, headed by a headman or a chieftain.

Her ancestors were into idol worshiping; her grandfather was considered the witchcraft leader in their community. At that time, no one knew about Jesus in her longhouse. Everyone was practicing animism belief.

Once, she witnessed her grandfather perform a ritual that stopped the South China Sea from flooding their community. She was amazed and started believing the power of his magic. She started asking him questions about his rituals, and she was mesmerized. At only 10 years old, she witnessed her grandfather perform countless unbelievable witchcraft and black magic rituals.

Terra learned about Jesus Christ at the campus through a Christian youth program. At first, it was difficult for her to believe in Jesus and renounce her faith because she grew up seeing the power of her grandfather’s black magic. She was fascinated by the mysterious rituals and black magic her grandfather performed. He seemed to be able to do things that were beyond her understanding. But through continuous participation in Bible study in her school, she finally realized that witchcraft and black magic are deceit from the devil.

Terra finally accepted Jesus in her heart as her Lord and Savior. She was so excited about her newfound faith that she wanted to share it with her family members because she wanted them to be saved too. “I want my family to have what I am having, which is the love of Jesus,” Terra said. “I wanted to share the Bible, but I don’t know how,” she continued. So she shared her personal experience with them. Some of her family members then witnessed the love of Jesus because they saw the changes in Terra’s life.

Terra then surrendered to the Christian leaders all the items used for witchcraft and the livestock used for offering. All of the livestock died and the items lost any power. Terra’s grandfather was furious. When all her relatives saw what happened, they believed in Jesus.

Some of the leaders from her church visited and befriended the people in her longhouse. Now, Terra’s longhouse has become a hub for Project Philip Bible studies for one of the leaders in the area.

When Terra participated in the Bible League’s Project Philip Bible she learned how to evangelize. “I can now share the Word of God with my loved ones because the program trained me to do it easily,” she says. “Bible League equipped me with easy-to-follow teaching materials; most of all, they provided Bibles in our local language, which is much easier for us to understand.

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