Verse of the Day

Today's Verse

A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!”

Mark 4:37-38 ERV


What is the worst storm you’ve ever experienced? In 2008, the town in which I was living was struck by an F2 tornado. I remember the night vividly. The lightning and the thunder was constant. The wind was deafening. I had been at a meeting and hurried home as the storm approached. I had to take a few detours to get home because there were trees and power lines down in the roads. After the storm passed, we were without power for days. It was beyond scary. It was terrifying!

In Mark 4, Jesus and His disciples were in the middle of the Sea of Galilee heading to the other side. As often happens on the Sea of Galilee, a fierce storm popped up in the middle of the night as they were making their way across the sea. Jesus, exhausted from a day of teaching, had fallen asleep in the boat. The disciples, some of them seasoned fishermen, were terrified. They didn’t know what to do! So they went and awakened the Master. He got up and commanded the wind and the waves to be still and the sea grew quiet.

What is the worst storm you’ve ever experienced? I’m not talking about a weather-related storm. I’m talking about a storm of a different kind. Perhaps it was a financial storm when you lost your job and lost everything for which you’d worked so hard. It could have been a relational storm when a friend turned against you, or a loved one walked out on you. It might have been a spiritual storm when God seemed so distant in your crisis of faith, and you were battered by the wind and waves of doubt and fear. Maybe you’re still being battered by those same stormy seas, and you’re convinced that Jesus is asleep in your boat.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus was sleeping in the boat with His head on a pillow? Yes, He was tired, but I believe that there was something else going on in this story. Jesus was at peace. He knew about the storm before the first breezes began to blow. He was completely calm while the seas churned violently. Jesus was calm because Jesus was in control.

Friends, you may be going through the worst storm you’ve ever experienced. Job loss? Marital separation? Death of a loved one? A wayward child or grandchild? These storms, and more, are the tempests of our lives that toss our boats to and fro, up and down, and side to side. Don’t forget who is with you during the storm! Jesus is with you, so cry out to Him and tell Him about your storm. He’s the only One who can do something about it. He can bring peace to the storm and to you, too. After all, He is the Prince of Peace and when He speaks, wind and waves obey Him.

By Shawn Cornett, Bible League International staff, Illinois U.S.