Last month, 47 men and women graduated from Church Planter Training in South India. Today, we’d like to invite you into a time of prayer with us as we pour out our praise and requests to the Lord over these 47 people. Graduating from this program is a huge step in the process of planting a church, and for these graduates, it’s a dangerous step.

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South India was once considered a safe haven for Christians. But not anymore.

Many churches here have been vandalized. Pastors have been beaten. Some have been murdered, strictly for their faith in Jesus.

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These 47 are committed to planting churches that preach the Gospel. They are committed to welcoming the hurt, the broken, the scared, the hopeless. They are even committed to welcoming their persecutors.

Never stop praying. Be ready for anything by praying and being thankful. Colossians 4:2 ERV

Pray for these 47. We will not disclose their names for their own safety. But we ask you to pray for each one. Pray for their safety and the safety of their families as they continue to preach the name of Jesus, a name that is hated in this part of the world. Praise God for His strength and grace that allowed these leaders to complete the training.

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Pray for their churches. Many will plant house churches where they will study God’s Word and worship together in small groups. Praise God that His Church continues to grow worldwide despite the attacks of the enemy. Pray that the Lord would protect these churches and that God would bless them with His presence and love.

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. James 5:13 ESV

Pray for the believers in South India and around the globe who are harmed for their faith. Many are physically harmed, attacked, and beaten for their beliefs. Often, believers are isolated from their communities, many from their own families. In some places, believers cannot get jobs or provide for their families because they are ostracized. Pray that God would continue to strengthen them as they bear their heavy crosses. Praise God that He provides unexplainable peace and joy in the midst of seemingly unbearable circumstances.

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Finally, pray for the persecutors. Our flesh wants to hate them, but Jesus tells us to love them. He warned that we would be hated for His name, and people like these 47 experience that hatred on a very real, very personal level. Pray that God would turn the hearts of the persecutors, just as he did with Saul. Praise God that He is a loving, powerful God who is able to change even the most wicked hearts.

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:44-45 ESV

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Your support of this ministry goes far beyond finances. Believers around the world need your prayers. This ministry needs your prayers. If you would like to engage with us in a deeper time of prayer, please join us virtually for our annual Global Day of Prayer and Fasting. On October 6, Bible League staff, ministry partners, board members, donors, funding partners, and volunteers from around the globe will spend 24 hours praying and fasting for the ministry as a whole. All Bible League supporters are encouraged to join from your location. For more information, visit

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Always be full of joy. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, always be thankful. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ERV