Mal CropAmos is an elementary school teacher and church leader in Balaka, Malawi. Before knowing Jesus, he lived a worldly life as a young person. “I was fond of attending social events; drinking and anger filled my life. My most memorable day is when Jesus set me free from the bondage of sin,” he said. Some family members discouraged him from attending Bible studies, claiming it was a waste of time. “Opposition and persecution were a part of my life,” he says. “But as a believer, I took the opposition as fuel to help me keep running my race.”

Scripture encouraged Amos in his faith journey, especially the words of John 16:33, “In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” His favorite verse is Joshua 1:8, “Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do.”

Amos is one of the few in his community who owns a copy of the Bible. “The need for God’s Word in our area is huge,” he says. “Few people have Bibles—the majority do not. Building one another up in the Word and discipleship are difficult.” More Bibles will be used to reach people with God’s Word and equip people in long-term discipleship.

People in Amos’ community are also using Project Philip Bible studies to engage in the Word.  “Project Philip Bible studies are a special gift from God that I have never seen before,” he says. “Through this small group setup, many young people have joined in the fellowship of the Word, and the church attendance rate has risen,” he adds.

The program has significantly impacted spiritual growth. “The work of Bible League is so important because it has brought spiritual awakening to many people through engagement in God’s Word,” he says.  The training has helped Amos understand God’s mission of salvation to the world and the importance of sharing His Word through these small groups.

Amos is committed to serving Jesus and living an obedient life. He desires God to continue using him to reach many lost lives in the next six months. “My humble prayer is to see my elder brother come to Jesus as his Savior; he’s still living the old life I used to live.”