Verse of the Day

Today's Verse

And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. And they were amazed and astonished…

Acts 2:6-7 ESV


When the Holy Spirit is poured into people in Bible times unusual things happened. On the day of Pentecost, the unusual thing was the disciples of Jesus going out and proclaiming the mighty works of God “in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance,” (Acts 2:4). The unusual things of the Spirit, however, are not limited to speaking in other tongues. The Apostles were also given the power to heal diseases and raise the dead at times in order to verify the truth of their teaching. Most importantly they had the Holy Spirit’s guidance to write the books of the New Testament as a record and a teaching for all believers who would come after them.

The Holy Spirit works powerfully in our era as well. When marriages that seemed doomed are repaired through forgiveness and renewed trust, when the hearts of rebellious children are softened and reconciled to the church, when addicts are freed from their bondage… all these things show the Spirit’s powerful work in the lives of believers and their families.

When the Holy Spirit does these unusual things that the world does not expect, onlookers are astonished. When a couple is willing to set aside pride and work hard to save their marriage, the unbelievers are just as shocked as they were 2000 years ago when a bunch of fishermen spoke fluently in foreign languages. The bewilderment, amazement, and astonishment that they feel makes them ask questions. It makes them ask questions about the source of the hope that they see. They want answers and explanations. If their hearts are ripe for the gospel, hearing the answers may lead them to Christ.

If you’re a believer in Christ Jesus, then the Holy Spirit has been poured into you. Many of the spiritual gifts given to the Apostles have ceased, but the Spirit has not ceased to work. He is more than willing and able to do unusual and amazing things through you as well. Make yourself available to counsel and comfort families in need, and be amazed at the results.