Verse of the Day

Today's Verse

Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?

Psalm 85:6 NIV


One of the most compelling accounts of revival is found in the book of Acts. Isn’t it remarkable that the book of Acts can be found at the heart of the New Testament? It testifies powerfully to the revival and transformation of the early church. The stories in this book inspire believers to expect similar spiritual awakenings in their personal lives and communities, fostering life-change, healing, and growth.

In Malaysia, there is a place called Bario, which was once home to a community of so-called headhunters and animists. According to Wikipedia, headhunting is a practice of taking heads from humans after killing them, and the practice of animism rituals is performed to maintain the relationship between humans and spirits.

However, in 1973, a significant revival occurred in Bario. Many repented and felt a sense of God’s love and reassurance from His forgiveness of their sins. This 1973 Bario Revival is one of the greatest manifestations of the Holy Spirit in Malaysian history.

Based on trends or patterns, how does a revival can manifest? Suppose you study all the revivals to date starting from the accounts in the book of Acts. The data shows an orderly pattern.

1. Obedience: Jesus, before His ascension, commanded his disciples not to depart Jerusalem but stay there waiting for the Holy Spirit. Those who stayed experienced the revival.
2. Unity: This kind of revival is not a solitary pursuit but a collective endeavor in which individuals unite in earnest, seeking God for a specific purpose.
3. Prayer: They persist in prayer until God’s presence is not just known but felt.

In the aftermath of revival, the proof illuminated is transformation.

Therefore, let us come to God with hearts full of hope and ask Him to pour out His Holy Spirit once more on us today. Let us have faith in His boundless power, for His power at work within us allows Him to accomplish immeasurably more than all we ask or can dream. Let us pray fervently for revival as we read through Acts, because we know that the same God who performed wonders then is the same God who is reviving our world now.

By Romi Barcena, Bible League International staff, the Philippines