Inoka’s Journey of Faith in Sri Lanka

Ministry Impact Feb 4 Post Srilanka 1

Inoka, born into a traditional Anglican family in Sri Lanka, found solace in church from a young age. As a Sunday school teacher, she nurtured the seeds of faith in young minds. Life, however, took an unexpected turn when she married Chaminda, a man of mixed Catholic and Buddhist heritage.

Their spiritual journey took a pivotal turn when Inoka met Pastor Anton, a passionate church member. In engaging discussions about the Gospel, Inoka and her family were deeply immersed in studying God’s Word, thanks to Pastor Anton, who introduced a small group Bible study program.

The influence of the Bible study extended far beyond Inoka’s personal faith journey. She and Chaminda—under Pastor Anton’s guidance— began reaching out to their community, bringing the Gospel’s light to a region predominantly influenced by Buddhist and Hindu beliefs.

Inoka shed light on the unique challenges in their mission field. “Sri Lanka, culturally, is a Buddhist nation. That’s the religion most people follow. At the same time, many people are searching for God,” she observes.

The spiritual landscape of Sri Lanka is complex according to Christy, National Director of Bible League Sri Lanka. “Animism is also a major factor. The traditional background is tied to animism,” he says. “People worship stones and trees, and that’s an evil power that blocks them. All the non-Christian religions have this animistic link, making it more difficult to approach them. It’s a spiritual binding.”

Despite these obstacles, Inoka’s ministry remains unwavering, focusing on children. She offers material help and education to bridge these divides, laying a foundation for Gospel sharing. “We gather poor children who don’t go to school and start by giving them material help, like books and other things they need for education. Our social service is a smooth and quiet way to start sharing the Gospel with them,” Inoka explains.

Inoka and Chaminda balance their ministry with running a tea business to support their family. Their dedication is evident as they combine spiritual and physical assistance, impacting not only souls but also the well-being of those they serve.

Inoka’s story is a testament to the transformative power of God’s Word and the impact of Bible League’s ministry. She shares, “I would like to thank all these Bible League donors because these Bible study books and Bibles are very helpful for us and our ministry. I’m asking you to please continue to support the ministry. Thank you!”